Announcing URx Forward

Announcing URx Forward a live online event bringing together our community to be connected, inspired, and prepared for whatever the new realities of recruiting hold for us.

Over the last week and a half, the entire URx team has been holding out for some glimmer of hope that we would be able to confidently postpone the URx Conference to a date in August. Unfortunately, that opportunity did not present itself, so we decided to cancel URx Conference 2020 rather than postpone it. Instead, we will bring you a new virtual event experience. As a volunteer-led team, we believe strongly in supporting each other and always moving forward.

So it is with great excitement that I announce URx Forward, May 7-8, 2020.

URx Forward is a live online event bringing together our community to be connected, inspired, and prepared for whatever the new realities of recruiting hold for us. I want to be clear that URx Forward is not an attempt to take URx20 online, but please don’t worry, URx Conference will be back better than ever May 6-7, 2021. 

Currently, the team and I are redirecting our efforts to bring you and the community a fresh and timely experience. Our goal is to equip you with thought leadership, skill-building workshops, and opportunities to connect you to the resources that will move you and your teams #URxForward! 

We will have more details on URx Forward next week. Most importantly, stay safe, stay healthy, and take care.

See you (online) soon!

Things to know:

What happens to my current URx Conference 2020 ticket?

Your current URx Conference 2020 registration will be transferred over to URx Conference 2021 (May 6-7, 2021). URx Forward is free for anyone who is currently registered for URx Conference 2020.  However, you can request a refund through Eventbrite at any time. 

If I attend URx Forward and I am subsequently unable to attend URx Conference 2021 will I be able to get a refund? 

You are still able to request a refund up to 30 days before the conference in 2021. In the event you attend URx Forward for free and can no longer attend URx Conference 2021, a refund less the cost of attendance at URx Forward will be provided up to 30 days before URx Conference 2021.

How much does it cost to attend URx Forward?

URx Forward is free for anyone who had previously registered for URx20 and anyone who has been impacted professionally by COVID-19. For all others URx Forward is $150 per ticket. We will be donating any proceeds from ticket sales to COVID-19 disaster relief funds and to support students impacted cancelled summer internships.
