Talent Acquisition Professional Compensation Survey

Get insights into the current state of compensation for talent acquisition professionals

The purpose of this annual survey is to capture a snapshot of compensation trends amongst talent acquisition professionals. The subsequent report will support your and our community as they advance at any stage of their career in recruiting.

The OneReq Talent Acquisition Professional Compensation Survey is 100% anonymous.

The questions in this survey focus exclusively on compensation and gather other data points in order to provide context into our deep-cut analysis of the factors currently impacting salaries, and to help you stay in the know about how much your experience and position is worth. 

Take The Survey

Why should you take  the survey?

For talent acquisition professionals, our annual compensation report provides:

  • Data that has never been collected (anonymously) directly from your peers in this way
  • Offers free, transparent, and easy access to this information
  • We’ll be doing it every year so this data will remain accessible and relevant as you advance in your career.

This survey will be actively distributed to members of the OneReq community, but is open to anyone engaged at any level in the talent acquisition profession: recruiters, recruiting managers, sourcers, recruiting coordinators, program managers, employer brand, recruiting ops, and more. If you work in recruiting, you should take this survey.

What’s in the report:moonwalks

  • Do different regions, positions, and levels of experience have different average salaries?
  • Does gender, ethnicity, sexual identity, or disability impact salary?

This report delves deep into the current spread of recruiting professional salaries and offers invaluable insights, looking into factors that might affect it, including:

  • Average salary by region
  • Average salary by Job position,
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion
  • Pay progression and experience,
  • Company factors, including industry, culture, and business size,

The Talent Acquisition Professional Compensation Report will be released in early January.

Take The Survey
