Announcing The Recruiting Operations Conference

2024 Recruiting Operations Conference Programming Committee

Announcing the Programming Committee for the 2024 RecOps Conference

OneReq events are special because of the people from our community who lend their time and expertise. Today we are thrilled to announce the 2024 Programming Committee for RecOps Con!


Jeremy Lyons

Jeremy Lyons

Co-Founder, RecOps Collective

Joy Reines

Joy Reines

Senior Manager Recruiting Operations, Attentive

Mike Joyner

Mike Joyner

Founding Partner, Growth By Design Talent

Ashley Scott

Ashley Scott

University Recruiting Lead, IMC Trading

Max Butler

Max Butler

Founder & CEO , Butler Talent

Desiree Goldey

Desiree Goldey

Director, Talent Operations & Culture ZRG Embedded Recruiting/RPO

James Colino

James Colino

Director Talent Acquisition, Sheetz
Author, RecOps: Recruiting Is (Still) Broken. Here’s How to Fix

Stephanie Baysinger

Stephanie Baysinger

Recruiting Ops/Enablement, Anthropic

Announcing the Programming Committee for the 2024 RecOps Conference

OneReq events are special because of the people from our community who lend their time and expertise. Today we are thrilled to announce the 2024 Programming Committee for RecOps Con!

Our Programming Committee members bring a wealth of experience and diverse expertise to the table, each contributing their unique perspectives and insights to crafting the conference’s agenda. The committee will be crafting an engaging agenda around key thematic areas:

  • Recruiting Technology
  • Program Building for the Long Term
  • Quality of Hire, Headcount/Capacity Planning, Forecasting and More
  • Function, Strategy, and Operations

You can learn more about our thematic areas here. If you are a recruiting operations professional, we would love to hear from you. You can get involed by submitting you to get involved as a submitting a session proposal or facilitating a group disscusion

The Recruiting Operations Conference, October  24–25, 2024

If you’re a professional or partner in the recruiting operations industry, and understand that behind any exceptional recruiting team is a first-class talent operation, then OneReq’s The Recruiting Operations  Conference is designed for you!Check out the Speakers, Schedule or Register today

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