Announcing The Recruiting Operations Conference

Our annual conference experience designed to keep our community of University Recruiters, Early Career Talent Developers connected, inspired, and moving forward.

How Shifting Workforce Talent Pipelines across Education and Industry Is Impacting the Future of Work

Join a panel featuring Farouk Dey, Vice Provost for Integrative Learning at Johns Hopkins University, Gino Rooney, Co-founder CEO of Classet and OneReq Founder Wahab Owolabi in a discussion moderated by Carmela Escarez on "How Shifting Workforce Talent Pipelines across Education and Industry is impacting the Future of Work".

Delve into the impact of the pandemic, artificial intelligence, and the macroeconomy on blue-collar and white-collar jobs, exploring the evolving relationship between education and industry. Gain insights and strategies for navigating the changing landscape of workforce talent pipelines, whether you’re an educator, industry professional, or policymaker, in this dynamic session.

This session will explore the dynamic interplay between educational institutions and the evolving needs of the workforce. Focusing on the changing landscape of talent acquisition and development, this session delves into how advancements in technology, globalization, and societal shifts are reshaping traditional pathways from education to employment. It examines strategies for aligning educational curricula with industry demands, fostering lifelong learning initiatives, and leveraging emerging technologies to bridge skill gaps. Through insightful discussions and case studies, attendees gain valuable insights into navigating the complex intersections between education and workforce development in an ever-changing economic landscape.

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