Tag: URx Conference

May 24
Recruiting the Rainbow

URx Conference 2021: Sourcing diverse talent is a challenge. LGBTQ+ talent is no exception. In many cases it can be more difficult to find these candidates due to stigma, fear and a lack of resources. In this presentation we will cover the best approaches to locating and utilizing LGBTQ+ talent pools to pull from a diverse group with intersectionality across race, gender identity, veteran status, age and more.

May 24
High-Performing Lean UR Teams – Mid-Size to Large Companies

Interviews, on-campus recruiting, onboarding, intern program events, mid-point check-ins, oh my! Hear from Autodesk, CrowdStrike, General Dynamics and MongoDB on how they've managed it all with a lean UR team.

May 24
How to Innovate Campus Recruiting in the Brave New World

In this session, Tom Brunskill, CEO of Forage, will highlight the most innovative approaches to discovering early talent that Forage partners do very differently, so different that they were able to survive and thrive in 2020. Join this session to learn how you too can thwart disruption and ride the wave of transformation into the brave new world of early talent.

May 24
Programmatic Engineer Hiring – Doing More with Less

Moving from a reactive recruiting model to proactive during COVID-19 and unprecedented times for entry level Engineer roles. How to take a programmatic approach to creating a diverse candidate flow for hard to hire roles and backfilling attrition prior to having vacancies on a very low budget.

May 24
How Peloton Ensures Their Hiring Process is Fair

This session focuses on Peloton’s approach to DEI, and how they create a consistent hiring bar and establish a more inclusive candidate hiring process. We’ll discuss their top data points that help candidates build confidence in the company, why these data points are important, and examine fairness in assessments in more detail.

May 24
URx21: Student Panel featuring ColorStack and Rewriting the Code

A staple at every URx Conference, gain insights directly from the students you recruit.

May 24
How we created an Inclusive Environment for our New Hires

Wanting to make sure you create an environment where your new hires feel supported and a sense of belonging? Hear from Revantage, Chevron, Twitter and USAA on how they've built an inclusive environment for their new hires.

May 24
Fostering the Intern & New Grad Community

Are you onboarding interns and new grads remotely this year? Hear from Symba, Datadog, Duolingo, Gusto and Shopify on how they've fostered the intern and new grad community.

May 24
Overcoming Bias and Early Career Recruitment and Hiring

For too long, organizations relied on target schools and employed strategies or traditional recruiting policies that left too many candidates out.

May 24
Designing Batch Interview Days for Intern Hiring

The session will provide specific details, preparation, execution, and outcome summary of "sell/batch" interview day(s) that Zwift created to efficiently hire our Summer Zwifterns (Interns) into a 12-week program.